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April 25:

Okay TODAY IS THE DAY! First installment of Un/titled !!!!!

So technically, dozens of you have a premiere today

(if you don't hear your words or voice, rest assured that future installments will have even more incorporated!)

This is is just the beginning! .




Early April: The project is underway and, as I'd hoped, the act of actually engaging with a pop-up community, and the beautifully shared words of others, has influenced and changed this first version of the project.


I am looking for people to record themselves speaking phrases that will show up in the first version of this piece.

This is open to anyone, whether or not you did the survey.


The phrases range from positive to neutral to negative,  and you are invited to speak them with your own intention and emotional choices. You can choose whichever you like – and you can even just record yourself taking a breath.


This can be a fairly quick task! I explain more in the instructions, which are found in the following folder:



I hope you'll consider making a recording!

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© 2021 Emily Joy Sullivan & JoyfulNoise New Music. 

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